Leeds MAG Meeting – 16th Aug 2016

Hi everyone,

We’ve got a very busy meeting on Tuesday @ The Royal (LS28 8PR) from 8pm.

Lots of stuff to discuss including both the Leeds and West Yorkshire Combined Authority consultations that we’re involved with. Links are on the Leeds MAG web page – please respond to them as we’ve worked very hard to get a better deal for local bikers and your response will make a difference.

After a message regarding the amount of bike thefts locally I’ve put in a freedom of information request to WY police for all data on bike thefts in all LS & BD postcodes. I’ve also booked a police officer to come to our meeting on Tuesday 6th September. Please try to attend as it would be great to show the strength of feeling to someone at the sharp end. Meeting will start at 8pm

Finally, check out the events list. We’ve got loads of things happening and we’d love you to come along and support them. Without your attendance and support, the group wouldn’t exist.

Enjoy the weather and ride safe