Leeds MAG Committee 2015
On a rather snowy night we held our AGM. Minutes from the meeting are available here. The new committee looks like this:
Leeds MAG Rep
Richard Manton, proposed Helen Taylor, seconded Steve Corbridge, vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Vice Rep
Martin Smith, proposed Dave Taylor, seconded Mik Rhodes, vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Treasurer
Kate Williams, proposed Sally Johnson,seconded Su Mitchell vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG MAP Liaison
Martin Smith (Keith Maven dep when required), proposed Richard Manton seconded Kate Williams vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Membership Secretary
Chris Pursey proposed Martin Smith seconded Keith Maven vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Web Officer
Marcus Houlden, proposed Kate Williams seconded Mik Rhodes vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG New Rider Rep
Marcus Houlden, proposed Su Mitchell seconded Richard Manton vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Club Liaison
Helen Taylor proposed Sally Johnson seconded Martin Smith, vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Political Officer
Martin Smith, proposed Marcus Houlden seconded Mik Rhodes, vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Press Liaison
John Nettleship, proposed Dave Taylor seconded Keith Maven vote: unanimous
Leeds MAG Communication Secretary
Sally Johnson, proposed Richard Manton seconded Su Mitchell vote: unanimous
Good luck to all committee members and let’s hope we have another successful year.