Leeds Injunction and MAG

News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)

MAG urges ‘joint approach’ to anti-social behaviour involving bikes

This version: 2017 01 04 Embargo:

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), the UK’s leading voice for riders’ rights, has called on Leeds City Council to take a measured approach in partnership with local biking interest groups to address anti-social behaviour problems which occurred in October 2016.

‘MAG is completely in agreement with the authorities about the need to deal with the hooligan behaviour of a disruptive element of individuals in the area,’ says MAG’s spokesperson in Leeds, Richard Manton.  ‘The fact that these irresponsible louts happened to be on motorcycles has meant that MAG needs to ensure their antics do not reflect badly on real bikers, who have no interest in causing alarm and inconvenience to the general public.  We therefore offer our assistance in addressing these issues, and underline the importance of not penalising law-abiding citizens due to the idiocy of a small minority.’

The Council has introduced an injunction outlawing certain behaviours which could cause alarm, nuisance, harassment of the public or property damage.  ‘While the principle of the injunction is understandable on the basis that the Council felt it had to act quickly,’ adds Mr Manton, ‘we are nevertheless concerned that its very wide-reaching powers don’t inhibit lawful riding in the city.  The way it has been worded means it could end up being tested in court.  We’d like to avoid that by ensuring terms of understanding between ourselves on behalf of the riding community and the police and Council representatives on behalf of the authorities.  That’s what I’m doing now  – and I have to say we’d have done this even sooner if it had not been so hard to acquire a copy of the injunction and its wording – but we are where we are.’

MAG has been actively engaged nationwide with other local authorities to seek a lasting resolution to these issues.  The organisation is also set to approach the body representing police chiefs to seek a nationwide solution which protects the public without discriminating against legitimate riders.’

Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or central-office@mag-uk.org

MAG slams Leeds louts as ‘the worst example of behaviour in recent years’

MAG slams Leeds louts as ‘the worst example of behaviour in recent years’

This version: 2016 11 01 Embargo:

The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), the UK’s leading voice for riders’ rights, has slammed the ‘irresponsible and dangerous behaviour’ of 200 antisocial hooligans in Leeds as ‘the worst example of behaviour in recent years.’

MAG’s Regional Representative, Richard ‘Manny’ Manton, has distanced the organisation from any association whatsoever with the antics of the louts: ‘MAG has been promoting responsible and considerate riding for over 40 years. The overwhelming majority of riders respect and uphold the principles of good road craft and thoughtful use of our highways. From time to time all activities attract a hooligan element that reflect very badly on the individuals themselves.

‘These people are not riders in the proper sense, but idiots on two wheels, just as some choose to act irresponsibly on four wheels – or on foot. MAG would like to reiterate that those tearing through the streets on motorcycles with complete disregard for others are not a true representation of the majority of riders in the UK, and deserve to be prosecuted for breaches of the laws currently in place in the interests of public safety.’

The Chair of MAG, Selina Lavender, says the organisation is contacting the police and the local authorities to discuss how best to address these issues in the longer term. ‘The laws already exist to prosecute these immature and stupid fools. We’re exploring whether there is a way MAG can assist with educating younger people to understand the idiocy of this behaviour and thereby use social pressure as a powerful tool to prevent a recurrence of such an incident in future.’

Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or central-office@mag-uk.org


Leeds Crime Stats and 6th Sept Meeting

We’ve received the info from our Freedom Of Information request to West Yorkshire Police regarding motorcycle theft in Leeds and Bradford and it makes for unsettling reading. There are two files in the request: this FOI Covering Letter and these FOI details. We’ve analyzed it and found the following points:

  • Motorcycle thefts in the 12 months was – 1003
  • Total motorcycle NOT recovered – 554 (55.23% of stolen bikes are never recovered)
  • If your bike is stolen, you’ve less than 45% chance of seeing it again!
  • Below are a few statistics taken from the West Yorkshire Police figures
  • Out of the total number of thefts 103 investigations are “ongoing” (10.26% are still being investigated)
  • Out of the total number of thefts 26 resulted in a charge or summons (2.59% were prosecuted)
  • Out of the total number of thefts 5 resulted in a caution (0.49% received an adult or youth caution)
  • Out of the total number of thefts 1 received a community resolution (0.099%)
  • The rest of the thefts, 868 were classed as Investigation complete or Evidential difficulties/No suspect ID – 86.54% of thefts of motorcycles in Leeds and Bradford have had the case closed and no one will ever be charged

Abridged and printed versions will be available at the meeting at the Royal tomorrow, where we have a crime reduction officer in attendance. We’d like as many bikers as possible to come along at 8 pm prompt, whether MAG members or not, as this affects all of us. Hope to see you all tomorrow evening.

Leeds MAG Meeting – 16th Aug 2016

Hi everyone,

We’ve got a very busy meeting on Tuesday @ The Royal (LS28 8PR) from 8pm.

Lots of stuff to discuss including both the Leeds and West Yorkshire Combined Authority consultations that we’re involved with. Links are on the Leeds MAG web page – please respond to them as we’ve worked very hard to get a better deal for local bikers and your response will make a difference.

After a message regarding the amount of bike thefts locally I’ve put in a freedom of information request to WY police for all data on bike thefts in all LS & BD postcodes. I’ve also booked a police officer to come to our meeting on Tuesday 6th September. Please try to attend as it would be great to show the strength of feeling to someone at the sharp end. Meeting will start at 8pm

Finally, check out the events list. We’ve got loads of things happening and we’d love you to come along and support them. Without your attendance and support, the group wouldn’t exist.

Enjoy the weather and ride safe

Leeds City Council Transport Consultation

In addition to the WYCA consultation, Leeds City Council have decided to carry out their own  consultation. Throughout our work with the West Yorkshire councils, Leeds council have been transparently pro cycle and anti motorcycle. Filling in surveys like this can help to get our concerns moved up the agenda. Considering cycles have had £38 million spent on their safety in the last year and motorcycles have had nothing (and haven’t even been given use of bus lanes at a cost of nothing in real terms) when both are classed as vulnerable road users, it’s nothing short of a disgrace! Please fill in this survey, mention bus lanes, secure parking, encouraging PTW’s, helmet lockers for commuters etc. Share it with fellow bikers and encourage them to fill it in. The more of us that fill it in, the more chance we have of getting our voices heard. Thanks in advance. The consultation is available at http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/Leeds-transport-conversations.aspx and will be open until the 20th of September 2016.

WYCA Transport Consultation

WE NEED YOUR HELP! As you will be aware, the three West Yorkshire MAG branches have been campaigning for a long time to get motorbikes legally entitled to use local Bus Lanes for a long time.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority, peeps in smart suits, have accepted the principle, along with better road engineering and parking provision for Motorcycles in their latest Strategy document, now out for consultation.

There is a survey to complete as part of that consultation process and we really need as many bikers as we can muster to fill it in and add their positive feedback comments – let them know you’re a biker – in the free text box towards the end. This is the link you need: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/transtrat2i

The powers that be have told us just that!

It will only take a few minutes to fill in and will help us enormously to finish this campaign off successfully, we’ve been battling for four years, help us to help you now, we’ve been doing it for you

Please share this post far and wide!

Thank you in advance for your support

Leeds MAG Comedy, Curry and Cupcakes #5

Leeds MAG Comedy, Curry and Cupcakes is now a firm favourite on the local biking calendar and with a combination of scrummy curry, gorgeous cakes, Yorkshire beer and rib achingly funny comedians, it was always going to be!

Our 5th comedy night was no exception. Our resident, comedian booker, Helen Taylor,  surpassed herself with a fantastic line up including Bradford lad, Howard Walker and the headliner, the legend to be, that is Silky! – Laugh? I nearly bought a round!


Thanks must go to The Cross Keys for hosting us and putting the curry on, Kate for the cupcakes and knitted cream egg creatures and Martin, Sally and Karen for selling cakes and raffle tickets on the night.

All told, after all deductions we raised £438 to be split between MAG and NABD (the comedians are happy to perform for nowt if it involves a charity)

Here’s to the next one

Leeds MAG 2nd Bargain Hunt Challenge

Leeds MAG’s second Bargain Hunt challenge had been scheduled for November last year but due to the horrendous flooding that the North of England endured we had to postpone it until the end of February.

We based this fundraiser on the daytime TV show of the same name, only we have to buy something for less than a fiver and then we sell them all on eBay. The winner gets a trophy.

The day dawned bright and sunny and 15 local members turned up to do battle at Otley car boot sale.
We met in Wetherspoons for breakfast then, suitably fortified headed up to brave the crowds and try raise some cash for MAG.

After an hour, we all met back up at the pub to evaluate (a.k.a take the mickey out of) each other’s “bargains”

The auctions were hotly contested and eventually after a late flurry in the bidding, one of our newer members, Martin Thompson, emerged victorious with his shrewd purchase of a Beatles LP!

In total we raised just over £150 for MAG after all deductions and had a bit of a laugh along the way 🙂

Biker Down Course

As a committed MAG member I always like to follow the mantra of “education, not legislation”. I’ve also been a first aider at work for the past 22 years so I’ve learnt the need for everyone to have a little knowledge in this area

Considering that we at Leeds MAG ride in groups on a regular basis I felt it would be great to get some of our members trained up in basic first aid, with the emphasis on biking.

I know that some councils run free biker down training but there were none local to us and I felt that we’d get a better response if we could get a trainer to come to us and at £15 per person, it wouldn’t break the bank.

Step forward Judy Richer of Train Aid Inc.

Judy has years of experience in first aid training in areas as diverse as aviation first aid, the building trade, equestrian and obviously motorcycle first aid.

We provided the room for the training and I corralled 15 willing volunteers to attend the 3 hour course one Saturday morning in April.


It was great fun, with a mixture of hands on training and power point slides to get the vital messages across.


I’d like to think that if the worst were to happen on a Leeds MAG ride out, at a rally or just in every day life, we’d be in a situation to help rather than hinder the situation.


If any groups want to contact Judy to arrange your own biker down course, she can be contacted at judy.trainaidinc@gmail.com.

Manny (Leeds MAG Rep)

Comedy Night Tickets Now Available

Tickets for our comedy night on the 29th of March are now available.  Get Full details at https://leeds.mag-uk.org/product/leeds-mag-curry-cupcakes-and-comedy-march-2016/ where you can buy them for £5  a ticket + £2 booking fee.

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